Was I really funnier when I was drunk? The answer is no. One of the first effects of drink is to lose the left side of the brain, the logical side! While drunk I was more confident and less capable, this is a dangerous mix. Women are more likely to be victims of accidents and raped by someone they know while drinking. Men often see a drunk woman as available. Much is made of short skirts giving out the wrong messages but alcohol is far the most popular date rape drug, and can you get arrested for buying a woman drinks? If you do wear a short skirt out on a Saturday night why not stay sober? You can have lovely, nasty replies to all the drunks that chat you up and a safe night out
Unlike real cheerleaders vodka cheerleaders do not always smile and do what their told! Sometimes vodka cheerleaders get upset about almost anything. Drunk people remind me of zombies, you only have to look at them and suddenly you become involved in their crazy world. Try to state your case even when your sober you can catch their temporary insanity! If a person is drunk their brains are not functioning and they don’t see the real signals you are giving off. When you think women in drunken fights you may think of chavs fighting it out over a man or dropped kebab but a high flying university student had a suspended sentence after assaulting a paramedic while drunk. (see Daily Mail on line) How ever clever we are sober we are all as stupid as each other when drunk. See you tube drunk women too, it’s enough to put you off getting pissed for life.
On my sober night out I noticed pissed face. This is a name I give to the spookily blank, baggy look to peoples faces after a few too many. Pissed face is not a good look on anyone. The cheerleaders may be telling you look great and that stunning bloke does fancy you but reality tells a very different story. Do you really want to sleep with a man you met without the logical side of your brain, with no idea what he looks like when you sober up? Worse still many of us meet or mate for life while swaying on our trendy shoes, away with the fairies. Is this a good way of meeting our life partners? I could not find a strictly scientific reason for pissed face but being drunk does slow down the nervous system so people may be forgetting what they look like.
Once I more than flirted with Tequila! I drank 12 shots in an hour. The body can only absorb one unit (about 1 small drink) an hour. Drinking this much is an overdose as serious as any illegal drug. At first I tottered around the club on my high heels with the room spinning, the cheerleaders in full force. Then the full horror of my completely legal drug overdose kicked in! Alcohol may seem to make you happy after a stressful week in your boring job but it is a depressant. Too many drinks slow your system down. Luckily my sweet house mate got me home, got my head over the toilet and made sure the huge amounts of vomit went down the toilet and not the back of my throat. My housemate may well have saved me from choking on my own sick. Not a glamorous way to go, even while wearing high heels! I accused him of trying to pull me because he was holding my wrist, he was checking my pulse to make sure my body didn’t give up completely. Alcohol is legal but an overdose may kill. Everyone knows what an overdose on alcohol looks like but few take it seriously, if in any doubt take a mate to casualty and they may just have a banging hangover and funny story to tell and you won’t have to go to their funeral.
Me? I don't drink anymore. I have decided alcohol is simply another drug, vodka and I have fallen out. People seem surprised, people even try to tell me alcohol is fine because it's legal. Alcohol is a poison that makes people behave differently, it is highly addictive and ruins lives, just like lots of other 'drugs' that happen to be illegal. I think I am the nicest drunk around but my own children tell me differently. I have heard about half forgotten Christmas days when I have said the most outrageous things to them. I will never forget a Christmas day again To be sober is to have to talk to talk to strangers without false confidence, to make mistakes with no excuses and to try to enjoy things as much as the drunk person next to you. To be sober is never to have a hangover. I feel a grown up because I have made a choice, not because I have a glass of vodka and coke in my hand but because I made a positive decision and I'm sticking to it!
Links http://wwwhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ASUB-Q60S0I
Eek. Very True and very well written. I had my first drink/binge (I've never done "a drink")in 2 months last night. No spirits anymore but still enough beer/cider to think "why did I do that" Vodka and Tequila have special seats in the pissheads pantheon but nowadays its the shots that blow me away. Not drinking them, but watching the amount of alcohol people (all sexes) knocked back whilst I Deejay'd in pubs. Shots are big business to pubs and clubs. Punter A drinks a pint at say £3 in half an hour. Punter B has 4/5 shots at £2.50 in the same time, and buys one for all his friends. Its a no brainer for the bar takings. Place lots of bottles of brightly coloured liquids at eye level. Chemists used the same marketing ploy for years. Another problem is that nowadays Mr (and Mrs) white European have got defensive over their god given right to get plastered. The tabloids have them believing all sorts of xenophobic shite. Alcohol is pushed at us from all corners, every year a govt says they will ban drink commercials but it never happens. Supermarkets sell booze INCREDIBLY cheaply. Where I live (not a city) there is at least one 24 hour licensed shop. Several of the garages now sell beers and wines. (thats bonkers like a chemist selling cigarettes)
ReplyDeleteI applaud you on your choice of tea totalness. A brave thing to also broadcast it, good for you. I might even try a booze free silly season. Ya never know I might even like it.
PS wouldnt it be stupid if someone bragged about their previous nights alcohol intake to a good friend, without realising that they had a written a blog on the subject. xx
ReplyDeleteWow one month later, and I haven't touched a drop. I don't feel duller, less confident or any less of a man. Now I'm not saying that I did this for you blogger, but you certainly got me thinking. Personally that was my first xmas/new year in 28 years that I wasn't plastered or out of my mind on something or other.
ReplyDeleteIt turned out to be a new years eve that I will never forget, instead of one I can't remember. Thank You. X
Not sure what time clock this is on but the time is now 22.03!!! (X)